Welcome to the new website!

Well, here we are, the new website is launched today. Good to have you visit, and I hope you like it. I will be blogging on this website far more frequently than I did on the last one (at least that's the plan right now, but we shall see what happens!), and I hope the posts will start conversations about recommended books, films, albums etc. Please leave comments, suggestions, ideas, thoughts, and get your friends to join in. I hope that the links that send these blogs to twitter and facebook work as they're meant to, and we can all stay in touch.

My current facebook page (Roger Jon Ellory) which has now exceeded the maximum number of friends will be turning into a fan page, which has – I am led to believe – an unlimited capacity. My other fan page (R J Ellory) will remain, as will the facebook page for the band, 'The Whiskey Poets'.

The website for the band is still up, but that will be revamped at some point in the not-too-distant future, but you can still access it, and still buy the EP ('The Moonrise EP') through that site.

Aside from that, I just wanted to greet you, to welcome you, to let you know that the calendar will be filled in, and news of upcoming events, signings, appearances, releases, and other items of relevance will be promoted here.

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