Hard to believe that it has been so long since I last posted a blog article! It isn’t that I forget, but more a case of getting a great deal more response and feedback from Facebook and Twitter, hence the blog kind of gets left behind. My apologies.
So, to briefly update you…since we last spoke I have released ‘Carnival of Shadows’ in the UK, and today marks the release of the French translation of ‘The Devil and The River’ (entitled ‘Les neuf cercles’, a nod to Dante’s Nine Circles of Hell that are mentioned in the opening of the book.)
The book for 2015, currently entitled ‘Mockingbird’ is complete, and that is going to be released in May of 2015.
I am leaving for the Lire en Poche festival in Gradignan tomorrow, and I’ll be there all weekend. My great friends, Fabrice Colin and Tim Willocks will be there too, and it will be wonderful to see them again.
In November I will be at the Brive Festival, and also at Bouchercon in Long Island, California.
The Zero Navigator album – www.zeronavigator.com is now complete, and there is a video for the first single here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4IxUHxYY_g
Zero Navigator will be playing on a bill with other artistes at Birmingham Town Hall on Thursday, November 20th. This is in aid of Justice4the21, and all proceeds will go to Acorn Childrens’ Hospice and Birmingham Children’s Hospital.
So, in a nutshell, that is a very brief update. I am definitely, definitely, definitely going to work harder at posting more frequently. I have said that before, but this time I mean it.
I trust all is well with you and yours.
Take care, speak soon, best wishes.